


Goodbye summer, hello autumn; a.k.a my favourite season of the year.
The beginning of August has already been sort of kind of documented in my Last Week in Photos blog post, however like the title suggests, there were a lot more photos than words; so I'll try my best to keep the balance pretty even this time.
The start of August was spent with my dad and my brother in Naples, Florida. During that time we did a spot of fishing, fired a few bullets at a gun range, and spent a lot of time in the sun and on the beaches. The weather was beautiful, with sun and warmth, and then spectacular thunderstorms in the afternoons. 
On our way home we stopped off in Philadelphia where I bumped into a life-size cardboard cut-out of dearest Hillary Clinton, or as I like to call her, the lesser of two evils. Then we headed back to London on a very long overnight flight.

Back home for the rest of August, I went into Windsor for a day and walked about some art galleries before walking along the river; eating an ice cream with my mum, my brother, and my aunt and uncle. We popped into a few shops and then had a quick cup of tea before returning home so as not to get caught in the rain!

The majority of August was also spent obsessively listening to Night People on repeat, and later the frantic purchasing of concert tickets.

Towards the end of the month, myself, my mum and my brother, dabbled in a little abstract painting as we wanted another canvas to put downstairs with the other two paintings that are hooked on the wall. 
After layering on the paint we threw on some beads, pebbles, bells, stones and other bits and bobs which we then completely covered with glitter glues.

It was honestly such a wonderful day, and although we didn't have a clue what we were doing, our painting turned out good enough to put up on the wall with the others... So I'd say the day was a success!

After painting the big canvas, I also painted two smaller canvases to hang up in my bedroom.

Following the hours of painting, I ended up at a friends house roasting marshmallows on an open campfire whilst discussing our exams prior to getting our results despite the clear signs dotted around the campfire that screamed, 'EXAM DISCUSSION FREE ZONE.'

Then rolled around the most stressful time of the month - results day. But within a few hours it was over and done with and everyone could finally breathe again and move on with their lives as the painstakingly long wait to get results was now over.

August ended with a visit to enroll at my new college, which I start this week, studying A levels in History, Law, and Government & Politics.

I'm looking forward to the rest of September and I'm so happy it's finally starting to feel like Autumn so that I can dig out all of my warm jumpers and feel not so guilty about drinking mugfuls of hot chocolate when I arrive home from college each day.

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